Batheaston Churches 



The Parish of Batheaston with St Catherine has joined with Bathford Parish in a United Benefice. Rev Lauretta Wilson is Vicar of the Benfice

Our local churches provide a place of welcome for all local residents and visitors alike.  On our web pages, you can find out more about our village churches, service times, special events and what we, as a community of Christians are doing in the area. As a close-knit community, we offer people of all ages a place of tranquility, inspiration and connection.  Why not get involved and come and see us soon?


This page gives you access to meeting minutes, policies, notice sheets and any documentation that is available in the public domain. 

Bear with us - this page is under construction!

Click here to read a recent sermon on Communion - Eucharistic theology (by Rev Isobel Rathbone).

Community Links 


Batheaston Parish Council


Batheaston Church School


Batheaston New Village Hall


St Swithun's Church, Bathford